- David C. King & Zachary Karabell. The Generation of Trust: How the U.S. Military has Regained the Public’s Confidence since Vietnam. (The American Enterprise Institute, 2003)
- Joseph S. Nye, Philip Zelikow & David C. King (eds.). Why People Don’t Trust Government. (Harvard University Press, 1997)
- David C. King. Turf Wars: How Congressional Committees Claim Jurisdiction. (University of Chicago Press, 1997)
Articles and Book Chapters
- Alexander S. Belenky & David C. King. “A Mathematical Model for Estimating the Potential Margin of State Undecided Voters in a U.S. Federal Election.” Mathematical and Computer Modeling. 45:585-93: March 2007.
- David C. King. “The 2005 Presidential Election and Constitutional Reform in Bolivia.” Revista. Spring/Summer 2006: 11-15.
- David W. Nickerson, Ryan D. Friedrich, David C. King. “Partisan Mobilization Campaigns in the Field: Results from a Statewide Turnout Experiment in Michigan.” Political Research Quarterly, March 2006, 59:85-98.
- David C. King & Miles Pomper. “Congress, Constituencies, and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Caspian,” in Brenda Shaffer, ed., The Limits of Culture: Islam, Foreign Policy & the Caspian. Cambridge: MIT University Press, 2005. And an earlier, longer, version published as, “Congress and the Contingent Influence of Diaspora Lobbies: U.S. Foreign Policy toward Armenia.” Journal of Armenian Studies, December 2004.
- David C. King & David Morehouse. “Moving Voters in the 2000 Presidential Campaign: Local Visits and Local Media.” In David Schultz, ed. Lights, Camera, Campaign. New York: Peter Lang. 2004.
- David C. King & Richard E. Matland. “Sex and the Grand Old Party: An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Candidate Sex on Support for a Republican Candidate.” American Politics Research, November 2003.
- David C. King & Richard L. Zeckhauser. “Congressional Vote Options,” Legislative Studies Quarterly, August 2003, 28:387-411.
- Jonathan C. Borck, David C. King, Richard J. Zeckhauser. “Contribution Shares in Alliances.” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Alliances, Mergers, and Acquisitions. Banff, Canada. July 3, 2003.
- Richard E. Matland & David C. King. “Women as Candidates in Congressional Elections.” in Cindy Simon Rosenthal, ed., Women Transforming Congress. University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.
- David C. King. “Catching Voters in the Web,” in Elaine C. Kamarck & Joseph S. Nye, Jr., eds., Democracy in the Information Age. Washington, DC: Brookings Press, 2002. Revised and updated from Kamarck & Nye, eds. Governance in a Networked World. Hollis, New Hampshire: Hollis Publishing, 1999.
- Contributor, in chapters 5 and 7: To Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process. The National Commission on Federal Election Reform. July 31, 2001.
- Tim Groseclose & David C. King. “Committee Theories Reconsidered,” in Lawrence C. Dodd & Bruce I. Oppenheimer (eds.), Congress Reconsidered, 7th edition. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2001.
- David C. King & Richard J. Zeckhauser. “Legislators as Negotiators,” in Robert H. Mnookin & Lawrence E. Susskind (eds.), Negotiating on Behalf of Others. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 1999.
- Tim Groseclose & David C. King. “The Little Theatre: Committees in Congress,” in Herbert Weisberg & Samuel Patterson (eds.), Great Theatre: The American Congress in the 1990’s. Cambridge University Press, 1998. Reprinted in Kelly D. Patterson & Daniel Shea, ed., Contemplating the People’s Branch, New York: Prentice Hall, 2000.
- David C. King. “The Polarization of Political Parties and Mistrust of Government,” in Joseph S. Nye, Philip Zelikow & David C. King eds., Why People Don’t Trust Government. Harvard University Press, 1997.
- David C. King. “Reform and Deliberation in the United States Congress.” Proceedings of the International Seminar on Governmental Reform Policy. Seoul: Korean Association for Policy Studies, 1995.
- David C. King. “The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946,” and “The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970,” in Donald C. Bacon, Roger H. Davidson, and Morton Keller (eds.), Encyclopedia of the United States Congress, Simon & Schuster, 1995, pgs. 1279-81.
- David C. King. “The Nature of Congressional Committee Jurisdictions,” The American Political Science Review, March 1994, 88:48-62.
- Gregory B. Markus, Jeffrey P. Howard, & David C. King. “Integrating Community Service and Classroom Instruction Enhances Learning: Results from an Experiment,” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Winter 1993, 15:410-19.
- David C. King & Jack L. Walker. “The Provision of Benefits by Interest Groups in the United States,” The Journal of Politics, May 1992, 54:394-426.
- David C. King & Jack L. Walker. “An Ecology of Interest Groups” (Chapter 4) and “The Origins and Maintenance of Interest Groups” (Chapter 5) in Jack L. Walker, Mobilizing Interest Groups in America, University of Michigan Press, 1991.
- John E. Jackson & David C. King. “Public Goods, Private Interests, and Representation,” The American Political Science Review, December 1989, 83:1143-64.
Opinion Pieces
“Let’s Have an Honest Debate about the Debates,” (with Larry Diamond), The Hill, June 17, 2015. “Groundhog Day at the Presidential Debates,” Boston Herald, May 10, 2015. “Power Shift,” Harvard Gazette, November 7, 2014. “Aftermath of the 2012 Elections,” HKS PolicyCast, November 7, 2012. “What’s at Stake for Education in the Fall Elections?”; August 31, 2012. “Preparing your College for the Fall Elections,”, July 17, 2012. “The 112th Congress,” HKS Insights, November 5, 2010. “Obama and Higher Education,”, April 2009. “New Orleans Vote Raises Fairness Issue,” Boston Globe, April 18, 2006. “Bolivian Constitutional Reform,” Pulso, November 25, 2005; “Youth Came Through with Big Turnout,” Boston Globe, November 5, 2004 (reprinted in Opposing Viewpoints: America’s Youth, 2007), “Electoral Reform 2004,” November 1, 2004. “Engage Children in Elections,” The Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel, October 17, 2004. “The Politics of DisIntegration,”, August 18, 2004. “The Boomers’ Babies,” Wall Street Journal, March 31, 2003; Book Review of Eric Schickler’s Disjointed Pluralism in the American Political Science Review, September 2002. Election Reform as an Unfunded Mandate, Boston Review, October/November 2001; There is Hope for Election Reform, KSG Q&A July 31, 2001, Federal Government’s Role in Election Reform, KSG Q&A March 13, 2001, “Youth Doubt Government, Trust Military,” USAToday, August 25, 2000. “Who Votes?” USAToday, August 18, 2000. “Real Term Limits,” USAToday, August 11, 2000. “Who’s Partying?”, August 4, 2000. “Those Pesky Third Parties,”, August 1, 2000. E-Mobilizing Your Supporters,” The Boston Globe, May 21, 2000. “The Trouble with (Republican) Women,” JFK Bulletin, Summer 1999. “Clinton Erred Using Line Item Veto,” Newsday, August 13, 1997. “Campaign Reform is the Public’s Duty,” Newsday, March 6, 1997. “A Concrete Example of Politics in Action,” in Teaching and Learning at Harvard University, 1997. “Primaries are a Noble Idea Gone Sour,” Newsday, March 21, 1996. Airplanes and Little Kids, The Boston Parents Paper; December 1995; “Notes on the Uniform Distribution,” The National Pastime: A Review of Baseball History, 1995. “Bye-Bye Bottle,” The Boston Parents Paper, September, 1994. “John Kingdon as an Agenda Item,” Policy Currents, August 1994. “How Did Pundits Get it So Wrong? Ask a Statistician,” (with Richard Zeckhauser), Roll Call, November 14, 1994. “Sorry, Clinton, Congress is Number One,” Newsday, November 11, 1994; “Saving the Clinton Presidency,” The Washington Times, September 22, 1994. “Vote Against Term Limits,” Boston Sunday Herald, April 10, 1994. “The New Congress and Prospects for Reform,” JFK Bulletin, Fall/Winter 1993
Conference and Working Papers
- David C. King & Richard L. Zeckhauser. “Congressional Leaders as Negotiation Anchors.” February 16, 2009.
- Richard G. Neimi, Kent Portney, David C. King. “Sampling Young Adults: The Effects of Survey Mode and Sampling Method on Inferences about the Political Behavior of College Students.” Boston, MA: Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, August 28, 2008.
- David C. King. “A Blueprint for Transforming the Boston Election Department.” April 7, 2007.
- David C. King, Richard L. Zeckhauser & Mark T. Kim. “The Management Performance of the U.S. States.” July 8, 2004.
- College and University Voter Mobilization Efforts. September 13, 2004, as published in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Are You Talking To Me? A Guide to Reaching Young Voters. The Institute of Politics. August 2004.
- David C. King. “Congress, Polarization, and Fidelity to the Median Voter.” March 10, 2003.
- David C. King & Richard L. Zeckhauser. “Punching and Counter-Punching in the U.S. Congress: Why Party Leaders Tend to be Extremists.” December 9, 2002.
- David C. King. “Selling International News.” December 9, 2002.
- David C. King. “Party Competition and Fidelity to the Median Voter in the U.S. Congress.” February 15, 2001.
- David C. King & Rebecca Hardiman. “The Constitutionality of Congressional Involvement in Federal Elections.” January 25, 2001.
- David C. King, Andrew Cooley, Julie Curtis. “Interesting News: The Attributes of Popular Stories in the Times Mirror Interest Index.” January 11, 1999.
- David C. King. “The New Political Machine” and “Political & Demographic Characteristics of Web Users in Late 1997,” Visions of Governance in the 21st Century conference on the Information Revolution. July 1998.
- David C. King. “Stability and Change in U.S. Politics.” Aspen Strategy Group, U.S. – Russia Dialogue. Queenstown, Maryland. June 14, 1998.
- Tim Groseclose & David C. King, “Committee Theories and Committee Institutions.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington. August 29, 1997.
- David C. King, David Eddy-Spicer, Howard Husock, “Riding a Dark Horse: Exploring the Dynamics of a Presidential Campaign via Hyperspace.” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington. August 29, 1997.
- David C. King, Richard L. Zeckhauser, Sven E. Feldmann. “Winning by a Little and Losing by a Lot on Congressional Roll Call Votes.” Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago. April 7, 1995.
- David C. King. “Public Goods, Private Interests, and Participation in Congressional Committee Hearings.” John F. Kennedy School of Government Working Paper R9313. June 21, 1993.
- David C. King. “The 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Political Activities and Funding Sources of Included and Excluded Groups.” May 5, 1992.
- David C. King. “Congressional Committee Jurisdictions and the Consequences of Reform,” Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago. April 19, 1991.
- David C. King. “Congressional Committee Jurisdictions and Institutional Change: The 1946 Legislative Reorganization Act,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco. August 31, 1990.
- David C. King. “The Strategic Timing of Campaign Contributions in the Michigan Legislature.” April 15, 1989.
- David C. King. “Representation through Participation in Committee Hearings: Ways and Means Committee Members and the 1978 Revenue Reform Act.” Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 13, 1989.
- Institute of Politics Survey Reports: April 2007, November 2006, April 2006, November 2005, April 2005, October 2004.
Harvard Kennedy School Teaching Cases
“In the Crossfire: Guns, Legislative Leadership and Recall Politics in Colorado” (2014), “Cutting Costs in Financial Hard Times: Two Massachusetts Towns Consider a Police Merger” (2013), “Achieving Mental Health Parity” (2010), “Debt Relief for Poor Nations: The Battle in Congress” (2001), “Congressional Oversight and Presidential Prerogative: The 1991 Intelligence Authorization Act” (2001), “Third Party Time?” (1995), “Catastrophic Health Insurance for the Elderly” (1995), “Emily’s List and Campaign Finance Reform” (1994), “Public Conversations and Legislative Deliberations” (1994), “Epilogue: The Regulation of Mudflaps” (1994).