Degree Program Teaching
- Presently: The U.S. Congress and Lawmaking (HKS: DPI-120; HLS-48225A), since 1992. Politics and American Public Policy (HKS: DPI-122), since 2013.
- Previously: Interest Group Activism & Representation (1997-2003, 2009-12), S. Political Parties in Theory & Practice (1998-2003, 2010-12), Culture, Politics, and Power (2010), Election Reform (2007-11), Elective and Advocacy Politics (1993-99), Doctoral Research Seminar (1993-96).
Executive Program Teaching
- Program for Newly-Elected Members of the U.S. Congress, since 1992, and Faculty Director since 1996.
- Senior Executives in State and Local Government, since 1998, and Faculty Chair since 2010. Video overview linked here.
- Executive Program for Members of the Russian Duma and Federation Council, Faculty Chair, 1994-2003
- Also: Senior Managers in Government (1995-97, 2015), U.S./Russia National Security Program (1998-2010), Senior Executives in National Security (1996-2010), Black Sea Security Program (1999-2009), Chinese Leaders in Development (since 1999), Taiwan Leaders Program (2001-09), Beijing Leadership and Development Program (2004-08), Vietnamese Political Leaders (2008, 2014-15), Meeting the Challenges of Mexico’s Future (2010-12), Leaders in Transition (2012), Local Leaders in Indonesia (2011-15).
- In Governments: Testimony. Massachusetts Joint Committee on Election Laws, Boston (2007), The Institute for Social Planning, Moscow (2007), U.S. House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Washington DC (2003), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Panama (2002), The Congressional Black Caucus, Washington DC (2001), Committee on Defense, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Moscow (1997). Presentations. “Re: Petition for Rulemaking from Level the Playing Field to Revise and Amend 11 C.F.R. § 110.13(c),” with Larry Diamond (2014), “Attitudes and the Formation of Attitudes Toward the U.S. Military,” U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Command (2008), “The 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections in Perspective,” U.S. Mission to the United Nations (2004), “Generational Trends in Support of the U.S. Military,” U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Command (2004), Moderator: Massachusetts Republican Lt. Governor’s Debate (2002), “The Constitutional Basis for Federal Regulation of Elections,” House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference (2001), Moderator: Massachusetts 9th Congressional District Democratic Debate (2001), The General Accounting Office (2000), Defense Science Board Task Force on Human Resources Strategy (1999).
- In Non-Profits. “Hack4Congress,” OpenGovFoundation (2015), “Conducting Arts Advocacy,” ArtSpeaks-Naperville (2012), “The Power of Incredible Teachable Moments,” David Bohnett Foundation (2011), “Politics, Culture, and Power,” Mentes Independientes, Bogota, Colombia (2011), Boston International (2009-11),“The Promise of Politics,” Public Conversations Project (2009), The American Red Cross (2006), Groupe d’étude et de recherche sur la sécurité internationale, Montreal (2004), The Power of One: Youth Vote Summit (2004), Break Away (2004), Young Presidents Organization of Guatemala, La Antigua (2002), Society for Social Studies of Science (2001), National Institute for Government Innovation (2001), Political Institutions Seminar, Wexner-Israel Fellows (since 1993), Voting Rights Institute (2001), The Johnson Foundation, (2001), American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation (2000), John C. Stennis Congressional Staff Fellows (2000), Center for the Study of the American Presidency (2000), Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference (1999), National Association of Schools of Public Administration, (1998), Ditchley Foundation (1998), Laura B. Moore Memorial Lecture, League of Women Voters (1997), Korean Association for Policy Studies, Seoul (1995) , Section Head: Political Parties and Interest Groups, Midwest Political Science Association (1995).
- In Universities.“Too Many Checks, No Balance,” Harvard University (2014), “Tensions in Transparency,” IDEASpHERE (2014), Gordon Wood Lecture Panel, University of Massachusetts, Boston (2014), “Two Sudans: the Paths Forward,” Harvard University (2014), “Government Shutdown,” Harvard University (2013), Headmaster Installation, Blair Academy (2013), “Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis,” Harvard University (2013), Nepal Election Panel, Harvard University (2013), “Fiscal Cliff: Observations from Leaders Looking over the Edge,” Harvard University (2012), Conference on the Future of the Sudan Region (2012), “The Public Value of Art: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Who Picks up the Check?” Harvard University (2012), Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Israel (2011), Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (2010, 2012), “Median Voters, Sequencing, and the 2012 Republican Primaries,” Ohio Wesleyan University (2011), “U.S. Senate Rules & Procedures,” University of Michigan (2010), “Constitutional Design and Threats to Congressional Power,” Tufts University (2009), “The Future of the Electoral College,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008), “The Internet and Politics,” Harvard Law School (2008), The Grand Old Party: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (2008), Harvard Real Estate Academic Initiative (2004, 2006, 2008), “Youth Movements in U.S. Elections: Past and Present,” Harvard Law School (2008), Harvard Latino Law, Business & Public Policy Conference (2008), “Youth Voting and Participation in the 2006 Elections,” The Columbia Political Union (2007), The University of Rochester (2007); Symposium on the 125th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Moscow (2007), The Cal-Tech/MIT Voting Technologies Project (2007), “Perspectives on Constitutional Reform in Bolivia,” Catholic University of Bolivia (2005), Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics (2005), West Point Military Academy (2005), Mojmir Povolny Lecture, Lawrence University (2005), Voting, Vote Capture, and Vote Counting Symposium (2004), Princeton University Conference on Trust in Government (2001), Harvard Law School, Electoral Reform Project (2001), Yale University Institution for Social and Policy Studies (2000), Harvard Conference on Internet and Politics (2000), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1999), Duke University (1999), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1999), Columbia University, (1998), “Dimples, Chads, Butterflies,” Institute of Politics (2000), Faculty Sponsor: Youth Engagement Initiative, Harvard University, Institute of Politics (2001), Universidad Catolica de Nicaragua, Managua (1996), Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago (1995, 1996); Buena Vista College, Storm Lake, Iowa (1995); University of Stockholm, Sweden (1995, 1996); Main Hall Forum Lecture Series, Lawrence University (1993, 1995, 1998); Phillips Lecture Series, The University of Michigan (1992)